Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My idea

Ok, so you are here, sweetness, I will tell you my idea.

It's simplistic enough. Every person gets an assigned day of the week that they have to post something, and we all keep in touch. It's basically just like writing a letter to everyone every week, and we just say what's going on, or talk story or whatever... Oh, and video punishments to be decided by the other four if you fail to post, ie: post a video showing you do your punishment. Although, maybe not, that last one is just an idea, because I watch a lot of 5awesomegirls, and the vlogbrothers on youtube, and punishment videos are always fun.

Righto, so you guys in? Because it really won't be worth it if we all can't do it.

Just comment by clicking the little comment button at the bottom, and we can figure out who gets what day, if we should do punishments, if we should be involving something else, ect.


PS: Oh, and of course, if everyone can do it, then I will add you to the list of people who can post on here, and explain in person or irl about how to work it.

1 comment:

Oxymoron said...

I am in though I don't understand how we are outcasts, I'll take Friday