Sunday, August 29, 2010

My dad had short track shorts too, his yearbook showed me that

Im really tired and have to memorize a whole bunch of words before tomorrow or i will fail my first AP English 3 test which would suck. good thing that is 7th period cos i have almost the whole day to study. my head really hurts right now i want to sleep or at least read fanfiction before i fall asleep but sadly i have to concentrate on the words, i really really shouldnt have procrastinated, but personally i think i work better under pressure at least that's what my project grades have showed me anywho chao and have a fantastic week of school if it's possible.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

And my dad had those short shorts like the track team wears in Juno. I have photo evidence


Oh gosh, I almost forgot to post. I think these transition week should be declared punishment free. Just for the sake of sanity while getting used to school and a change in blogging days and everything.

Assuming my hair appointment actually goes through, tomorrow will be my last full day with long hair. I'm getting my hair cut short by my standards. I suppose short by a lot of people's standards too. This is gonna be really weird. I've been growing it for four years now, and I'm used to it being a long mess at the back of my head. But it's time, it's become far too hard to properly wash my back, and I usually have to pull my hair to the front when I use the bathroom. But again, it is time. And I think that long short hair (as in short hair, that is long by short hair standards, imo) will be a nice change. I wonder if my head will feel lighter?

I am very excited as you can tell. Actually Saturday is going to be really exciting, because I am to make my hair appointment in the morning, so that afterward we can go to the DMV and I can FINALLY get my permit. Exciting stuff, man.

I liked our phone call earlier this week. Are you available Saturday afternoon? I'm sure I'll have a lot to talk about.
-Jessamyn (who totally loves you, and maybe doesn't mention it enough)

PS: I'm declaring that this weekend you need to do your punishment. End of story. If you don't, I might not go to Texas winter break (with the band, or otherwise - because I think it would be really awesome to see you, and I don't really wanna do the band trip. I like relaxing vacations, not ones filled with museums, not that I'm inviting myself over or anything.... Perhaps this should be for discussion Saturday?).

PPS: I went into my school's library today. W O W

Wednesday, August 25, 2010



I didnt end up reading this yesterday because i was like dead tired once i finished my homework and took a shower so thats why i didnt post. This week surprisingly i have gotten lots of homework for example i have like at least 20 math problems which take a while cos i didnt pay attention in pre calc class and i dont remember a lot of algebra two plus i missed some things in between moving but luckily we get a completion grade like in MR Hetrick's class. i also have to read two chapters in my stats class but its okay cos our book is written in an eighth grade reading level and the guys who wrote it made sarcastic funny comments in the footnotes so it may be interesting

Today in AP English 3 we had a grammar test with fifty problems on it and the last question was something like, 50. After reading through this test i have discovered that i am no grammar genius and knowing that this grade will not be put in the grade book i turn it in withing five minutes of starting and get five points extra credit on my next assignment. It was the best test i have ever taken in my life.

i have also decided against taking Calculus next year. I will have all my required math credits so it doesnt really matterand i will have a free period where i get to go home early.

Well any way i have to finish my homework so ta ta for now

Monday, August 23, 2010

An alteration on the terms


Ok, I can agree to your terms, as long as the weekend is defined as Friday, Saturday, Sunday (and monday or thursday depending on national holidays and turkey day). Also, can we do one last week? It'll just be a reaaaaaly long one that goes till sunday, and then there will be no more posts again until Friday. I just want one last proper week in, and it's not like you'll have any insane amount of homework to start with. I didn't. Although I'm taking one less AP than you. I know you're taking Stats and English, but what history are you taking? Also, I think I tried to tell you in text, but my math analysis class is a semster where we learn everything precalc, then a semster of calc one, so that next year we get to spend a whole year on calc two. Or something simular. Either way, my classes are all going to slowly kill me except for physics. And I guess drivers ed, although that could simply be my fast way to death if I crash. Don't say band, because while I will probably not be doing much during school or for my actual class, once I have my tuba I guarantee two hours of practice almost every day, so I can make sure I'm good. *facepalm* why did I have to choose the degree based on one audition?

That was a really long paragraph >_<

Ok, I'm gonna go, because I wanna finish reading this really good Claire/Quil fic before I have to do my visual introduction for English, and study. Normally I would not study, but I missed circles and this really weird way of writing answers for math, and it's causing me trouble. Worse comes to worse, I may ask her if I can write answers the way I normally do. Don't think it'll fly though. And then I should be doing history, but I still need a textbook. My neighbor said I can borrow hers on the bus, but I don't think it will be enough time. I miss getting textbooks with your class instead of having to find your own time to get them. I didn't know what I needed for English and Euro when I finally got in, so I just got textbooks for everything else.

Ok yeah, going!

PS: You had a really cute angry face in the picture your dad posted today. It reminded me of how some parents are so paranoid and concerned about having a recent photo of their child just in case they go missing, that they take their picture every day before school. These are not sane people.

PPS: I might end up sending you a letter soon. I have so much free time in physics that it's the only thing I can think to do. I already wrote one to send to Ashley.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Im sososososososososo SORRY!!!

Okay so i know that i like skipped a ton this week but im posting on a saturday so that should give me back some non existent points. So here is the deal yesterday i was at my friends house basically the whole day and i slept over there. Secondly wednesday i thought it was tuesday cos im blonde. Anywho my school week starts next Monday and i am guessing that i am going to get uber amounts of homework this school year on the account of me being stupid and signing up for three ap classes and all the rest pre ap not counting my band and spanish class, and the fact that i have lots and lots of band stuff i think that during the school year we should post on weekends and like once a week instead of what we have going on now. But when christmas vacation and summer vacation are going on we should do it the regular way.

btw im watching harry potter 4 right now, just thought i should tell you.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010




So much work.


Actually, I just have an essay and a timeline left, but my god, I don't understand anything that I did today. I didn't even have the chapter the questions came from.


I hate FRQs. Especially FRQs that I can't find posted anywhere with examples or how people have written it.


Timeline will not be hard. Essay will be hard though. WHY???


Ok, I gotta go, and hopefully find something helpful. If you learn anything about the Babylonian Captivity, the Great Schism, and the Conciliar movement, call me! Although, considering Kat knew nothing, I doubt you will know much either.

Your entirely too frantic friend

Titles are overrated

Dear Jess,

You have school and i dont... Hahahahahaha

PS i almost passed out today in band and let me tell you it is not a fun feeling

Friday, August 13, 2010

School in four days, and NO homework done

Hey Herman,

My day just kinda sucks. Like I feel unfulfilled or something. Or possibly it's because I have a terrible headache, and had to eat poptarts and chips for lunch.

Yeah, you have no idea how really excited I am for you to be writing this fanfiction! Like, if I was feeling a bit peppier, I would be jumping around and stuff about it. It's just so exciting.

You should look up LeakyCon 2011, it's in Orlando (theme park!), the weekend of HP7 part 8 (final movie!), and there's going to be a side seminar with people such as Maureen Johnson, John Green, and the author of Percy Jackson that we could go to. Kat seems pretty interested, and I think it would be fun. We could get there the weekend before and wear out Universal then be at leakycon, and it'll just be a week of us together. Oh! Plus, I think I remember Kristina Horner from ALL CAPS saying she would go again. And you are well aware of the awesome.

Yeah, so thinking about that made the Meh a bit better.

Talk to you soon
~Harry Freaking Potter

Thursday, August 12, 2010

When your shoulders are parallel to the sideline.


Today i only had band practice til 10:30 which was pretty awesome plus my mom was helping out in the band room so i had to stay a little later and one of the instructors that helps the french horns had brought homemade cheesecake for them but only like 5 out the the 16 stayed after so i got a piece and it was amazing, probably one of the best that i have ever had!

So i have a little bit of my fanfiction written and since you are my general idea beta im going to write what i got ( it starts the summer before fifth year),

It was a hot summer in Little Whinging. Harry Potter was laying in the shade of the oak tree of his Uncle's house trying to escape the heat. His guardians had given him a list of chores to do outside earlier that morning, he had finished them all but stayed outside to avoid more chores. As he was laying there staring at the sky he was worrying about what was happening to the place he truly belonged. You see, Harry Potter was no ordinary boy, he was a wizard and not just any wizard but the one and only Boy-Who-Lived. He hadn't received any news about the wizarding world since You-Know-Who had returned during the last task of the triwizard tournament at the end of his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Even the few letters that his best friend's, Ron and Hermione, were vague and he felt as though there was something being held back. This frustrated him greatly. Now as his anger was festering and he was deep in thought of what could being going on that people couldnt tell him he was startled by a loud vehicle approaching his way. He sat up and saw that it was a moving van. It pulled into the driveway of the house across the street and he vaguely recalled that earlier that summer the neighbors, the Hayes', had moved. Before the moving van parked he heard his uncle yelling at him at slowly approached the house that he had dreaded entering as long as he could remember.

I need help with the rest so please text or email me if you have any suggestions on how to have him meet the neighbors or if you know what we would be the better of the options that i gave you last post.


Cookie Monster

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Well, I sent off your gift. Aren't you excited? I mean, it's not the greatest, or anything, but I think you'll like it. You just have to promise to call me before you open it, got it? I wanna hear your reaction =)

The trip to the post office made me really want to go out and buy some envelopes and stamps and just write to a bunch of people. Send them pictures, post cards, ANYTHING. I love being able to talk to someone on a whim through texting. And I love how emails, and this blog mean you can get a long message across. And I love cell phones and skype for allowing me to hear from people whenever they're available and have a straight conversation. But mail gives you something physical to keep. Texts and emails are digital, so in the end they aren't really there, and they can be destroyed more readily than mail can. And I think it's just really cool to get mail, and think, "hey, someone is thinking about me so much, that they saw something and thought I should have it, or they took the time to write me a letter or draw me a picture that I can readily read in class with much less likelihood to get in trouble." So I hope you enjoy your mail =)

I was so happy when I read that you're writing fanfiction that I almost squeed. Feel free to call me whenever this week and you can bounce ideas off of me. And with that sort of thinking, can I be a beta for it? Like not a grammatical beta, because I suck at that, but more of a general idea one? And you could ask Kat to be your nit-picky grammatical beta. I think it would work out awesome that way. But yeah, call me about that, because I don't really think I could help you too well just through the blog.

Speaking of blogs, at the end of mine today on my main blog, I made some comments to clear some things up. Can't have you giving the people reading the wrong idea about me! =P

Awesometasticalosity to you,

PS: does =h look like a smiley face? I think it does, but I'm not entirely sure what it's supposed to be.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I hate traversing(sp?)

Today we had to take our band pictures and it was so humid out and the sun was bright and our uniforms are black, on the bright side there is no wool in them so thank god for that. I would also like to thank got that i play clarinet because if i played anything bigger i am pretty sure that my arms would fall off.
I am writing a fanfiction, its a Harry/OC summer fic in which the Dursley's get new neighbors. I am going to have the girl's mom be a squib and the girl be a witch but im not sure if i should have her never go to magic school because her mom is jealous of her powers and abuses her like the dursley's do to Harry, so that they may have that to bond over, or should i have her originally going to a different magic school and her mom kind of take harry in and help him. so please give me some ideas.
I think that this is all i have to say other than the fact that i finish your blog

Peace out dude

Monday, August 9, 2010

How does Hilarious not sound like a word?

This one is a bit hard to explain. Really, it doesn't help that I had to cut out me calling myself insane about a billion times. This is nothing compared to the full clip. NOTHING.

Also, don't you just love how my head is cut off for most of it? (Including the screenshot!!!)

PS: "What happened to your voice?" "Dunno, puberty?"
PPS: BEDA might be partially responsible for driving me insane. Because BEDA makes me think about what to blog for the day, causing a monologue to go through my head the whole day.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I need to go pee

Bonjour ma amie!

So I am totally blogged out, because I'm doing BEDA (Blog Every Day August - last time BEDA was Blog Every Day April, but this year it's August) and thus will be blogged out all month. This basically means that if you want to know what's going on with me Courtney, you should probably be checking out my blog. For example, today I wrote all about band camp, so I'm not going to do that twice for you. Sorry love! (There are so many fics where Sirius has a tendancy to say love. I always like those characterizations best).

I'm getting kind of sick of my dad breathing down my neck about my school work this year. He's making me feel like an idiot, even though I'm not. Last year was... It was whatever it was. The culmination of 2 1/2 years of being in a school where it's almost impossible not to feel like an idiot because of how easy the work is. I'm so much more confident about doing well this year, but my dad, he keeps belittling me. Like, I accidentally signed up for regular physics since radford only had physics and not honors physics, and he didn't know it was an accident, but he was saying "it's a lighter course where you don't get too in depth, so that will be good for you". It makes me feel so stupid. And then he thinks I'm insane for taking AP English. And even Lauren seems to be confident that I'll do well. And she was the person who always reminded me that I shouldn't be putting things off. Augh.

My friend Niki is coming over later, and I have to shower, clean up my room a bit, find some jeans, and other stuffs. So ttys hopefully!

Ta amie stupe'fier
PS: That ' is an accent
PPS: This is a quote directly from me: Friends, because Friday Ends (Geddit, Fri-ends!)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

not titled again

I'm tired and i hate technology right now! The end

PS this is the shortest post ever!!!