Friday, August 13, 2010

School in four days, and NO homework done

Hey Herman,

My day just kinda sucks. Like I feel unfulfilled or something. Or possibly it's because I have a terrible headache, and had to eat poptarts and chips for lunch.

Yeah, you have no idea how really excited I am for you to be writing this fanfiction! Like, if I was feeling a bit peppier, I would be jumping around and stuff about it. It's just so exciting.

You should look up LeakyCon 2011, it's in Orlando (theme park!), the weekend of HP7 part 8 (final movie!), and there's going to be a side seminar with people such as Maureen Johnson, John Green, and the author of Percy Jackson that we could go to. Kat seems pretty interested, and I think it would be fun. We could get there the weekend before and wear out Universal then be at leakycon, and it'll just be a week of us together. Oh! Plus, I think I remember Kristina Horner from ALL CAPS saying she would go again. And you are well aware of the awesome.

Yeah, so thinking about that made the Meh a bit better.

Talk to you soon
~Harry Freaking Potter

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