Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I need to go pee

Bonjour ma amie!

So I am totally blogged out, because I'm doing BEDA (Blog Every Day August - last time BEDA was Blog Every Day April, but this year it's August) and thus will be blogged out all month. This basically means that if you want to know what's going on with me Courtney, you should probably be checking out my blog. For example, today I wrote all about band camp, so I'm not going to do that twice for you. Sorry love! (There are so many fics where Sirius has a tendancy to say love. I always like those characterizations best).

I'm getting kind of sick of my dad breathing down my neck about my school work this year. He's making me feel like an idiot, even though I'm not. Last year was... It was whatever it was. The culmination of 2 1/2 years of being in a school where it's almost impossible not to feel like an idiot because of how easy the work is. I'm so much more confident about doing well this year, but my dad, he keeps belittling me. Like, I accidentally signed up for regular physics since radford only had physics and not honors physics, and he didn't know it was an accident, but he was saying "it's a lighter course where you don't get too in depth, so that will be good for you". It makes me feel so stupid. And then he thinks I'm insane for taking AP English. And even Lauren seems to be confident that I'll do well. And she was the person who always reminded me that I shouldn't be putting things off. Augh.

My friend Niki is coming over later, and I have to shower, clean up my room a bit, find some jeans, and other stuffs. So ttys hopefully!

Ta amie stupe'fier
PS: That ' is an accent
PPS: This is a quote directly from me: Friends, because Friday Ends (Geddit, Fri-ends!)

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