I think we don't post on here anymore because we're all actually talking again... And no one followed through on their punishments =P
PS: Miss you guys too <3
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Poke, Poke
Guys!!! I miss you. And we don't post anymore so I don't get to read quirky posts about high school and teenage-hood from your points of view and that makes me kind've sad. I think we should start posting again (at least until the release of Deathly Hallows)
Oh, and Courtney. Happy super belated 2009 Christmas and Sixteenth Birthday and 2010 Christmas gift.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Hey guys
I think we forgot all about this blog, which is pretty sad. I don't really have time to post, so I'm just gonna tell you guys I'm making a Pokemon youtube show.
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Sunday, February 27, 2011
I'm currently watching Disney Channel
So I'm mucho sorry I didn't post Wednesday, I fell asleep on accident.
On Thursday, I got out of school for Drama Club where we were performing Oliver Button is a Sissy. And I got to watch my friend Austin dressed up in a blazer, a tie, superstar glasses, a maroon top hat, a princess tiara, and a red feather boa while he tried to dance. Needless to say, most HILARIOUS thing ever. I was dressed up in said red feather boa, a gold sequin shirt, and black pants and a blazer. I felt like a stripper. Oh, and the other group performed The Ugly Duckling.
And I don't know what to say.
Um, I was in the ER today for some weird ear infection. By the way, I get ear infections A LOT. I really hate it.
In recent news, I've been dumb this quarter, and only just recently, I brought my F in math up to a C+ ... yay?
Anyways, I'm gonna play Sims 3 now.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Steamy! Hawt! You know it ;)
Yeah, after this I took a half hour shower that was highly intensive... If you know what I mean ;)
What I meant was that I washed my hair twice, shaved my legs and pits, and used conditioner and took my time. Not THAT you pervy fool!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Hatter and Hare,
So today, I had to convince Jessyman to do her homework. I told her that Hermione Granger would be disappointed in her. Her response was asking if I really knew Hermione. Of course I know Hermione Granger. For the past I don't know how many years, she has been masquerading herself as a super genius girl named Lauren.
So, anyway. I don't have much to talk about. Well, nothing that isn't whiney. It's just more of the this-school-year-sucks-without-you-guys stuff where I feel all depressed because I don't have friends at Radford anymore, not real friends anyway.
And I'm tired and my back hurts and I want sleep.
And this blog was pretty pointless.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
I have one hour until midnight.
Yes one hour.
And I think I have missed two posts.
My birthday is in a week and a half. This means I will finally be a junior! (because you see, before I was really not any grade, because as my friend puts it, I am a Freshman/Sophomore/Junior Monster [but no senior, because nobody has confused me for that]).
I have no idea what I want other than a new laptop cord from my parents, and then Rachael PROMISED I would finally be getting my tulips =)
My dad and I have one year left of hogwarts to play in lego style. But then we get to go back and EXPLORE!
I was supposed to send somebody parts of our project today. I will be lying to her and say that I didn't see her message. I saw it, I just reaaaaally didn't want to have to deal with my camera. Pro/Con of my camera is that it gets really nice footage.
We went to the CHEESE castle in Wisconsin. It was very cheesy. And I got lemon sticks, which are less lemony and more vanilla-y than I expected.
You guys really deserve more after I've skipped twice, but this is all you are getting, because I am tired...
Plus I'm only 26 gold bricks away from being Lord Voldemort in Lego HP!
~ The person you love... RIGHT????!??
PS: Adding this 17 mins after I've posted, but I wrote a fanfic for Fringe and it has about eight reviews. It's always nice to be reminded that other people like what you write too.
Yes one hour.
And I think I have missed two posts.
My birthday is in a week and a half. This means I will finally be a junior! (because you see, before I was really not any grade, because as my friend puts it, I am a Freshman/Sophomore/Junior Monster [but no senior, because nobody has confused me for that]).
I have no idea what I want other than a new laptop cord from my parents, and then Rachael PROMISED I would finally be getting my tulips =)
My dad and I have one year left of hogwarts to play in lego style. But then we get to go back and EXPLORE!
I was supposed to send somebody parts of our project today. I will be lying to her and say that I didn't see her message. I saw it, I just reaaaaally didn't want to have to deal with my camera. Pro/Con of my camera is that it gets really nice footage.
We went to the CHEESE castle in Wisconsin. It was very cheesy. And I got lemon sticks, which are less lemony and more vanilla-y than I expected.
You guys really deserve more after I've skipped twice, but this is all you are getting, because I am tired...
Plus I'm only 26 gold bricks away from being Lord Voldemort in Lego HP!
~ The person you love... RIGHT????!??
PS: Adding this 17 mins after I've posted, but I wrote a fanfic for Fringe and it has about eight reviews. It's always nice to be reminded that other people like what you write too.
Friday, February 18, 2011
"If my body was a country, this would be its national anthem"
Not much has happen since Tuesday but here is some key points...
I really really hate my precalc teacher, but can't truly rant about it while typing
I wrote essay about the role of soma in brave new world
Wore capris to school
Went to see the new Big Momma movie
Went out to eat at Applebees and this place called la tuna
Read the first book in a series that is basically published pride and prejudice fanfiction that are mysteries
Got moved up to second chair in band
Got my sat voucher and applied to a community college for my duel credit class
Um I guess that is my week in a nutshell, oh and I'm starting to watch this show called skins
Thats all folks!
Not much has happen since Tuesday but here is some key points...
I really really hate my precalc teacher, but can't truly rant about it while typing
I wrote essay about the role of soma in brave new world
Wore capris to school
Went to see the new Big Momma movie
Went out to eat at Applebees and this place called la tuna
Read the first book in a series that is basically published pride and prejudice fanfiction that are mysteries
Got moved up to second chair in band
Got my sat voucher and applied to a community college for my duel credit class
Um I guess that is my week in a nutshell, oh and I'm starting to watch this show called skins
Thats all folks!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Kat wants to sleep
Cedric and Cho,
So in Drama Class, which is the class I really hate normally, we got the chance to do whatever play we wanted -after I suggested the idea myself- but I picked AVPM to do. We're only doing one scene. (Act One Scene Two), but it's so freaking fun. And now I'm trying to burn AVPM onto DVD. And it's confusing. Ugh.
You know what I don't like? I can't fall behind on either of my collabs because I end up with horrible days like today. This collab's make-up day is Monday, the same day I post on my other collab. And their make-up day is Wednesday, when I post on here. So it's like a vicious-ness. I cannot fall behind at all, or I'll be doing sooooo much.
Courtney, why exactly should I go to that school? Is there more rationale? Is it a real school? Or were you bored or something?
We did synthesis essays today in AP English (hey random thought - are we all in AP English? If so, is that the only common class between all three of us?) and it was about the penny and if we should get rid of it. I argued for getting rid of it, but I seemed to be the only one... I'm also the only one who can argue FOR Hitler (he put back the overpopulation problem...). I think I have a problem with arguing weird topics. I got to argue against gay marriage again. (yay).
I'm currently watching a really weird tv show about awkward ways to die...I didn't even know it was a possibility to die from laughter. Wow.
I had an argument during lunch about Severus Snape. All the girls were talking about how much they loved Snape because he was a flawed and real character. Yes, he has realistic qualities. But if anyone were to meet his type of person in real life, they would punch the loser who picks on eleven year olds and threatens to murder their pets when they are their teacher! And even more, Severus Snape was weirdly obsessed with a girl he was an ass-hole to. Like even James Potter grew out of that! Okay, sorry for the Harry Potter rant, but geesh, yeah, it's realistic and interesting and slightly sad, but it shouldn't make him people's favorite character. Or if it does, they should be able to say "I like the ass-hole characters 'cause they're more interesting" not talk about sympathy. ... And Jess, I think you like Snape, so this is potentially awkward depending on if you do or not.
And then the rest of the day I quoted Harry Potter and AVPM. Which was cool until we had a quick brush with a potential apocalypse. I had problems remembering Regulus's note to Voldemort. :O I actually freaked out my friends when I forgot because they know my obsession. I eventually got it. (If you were wondering, which you guys probably aren't: To The Dark Lord, I know I will be dead long before you read this, but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more. -RAB)
And I blasted AVPM music during Drama and called it research. :)
Oh, and Jess, Jake just texted me a "how old are you joke?" (14!) Yayyyyy for blonde moments.
I have to figure out if there's a way I can do NaNoWriMo for senior project...
And I have to make a video about Twilight on my other collab channel soon. Unyay.
PS. I'm still tired.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
I am ti red, but im a teenager so whatelse is new
Okay, yesterday my post started with me complaining about my post days because on Tuesdays I have NHS in the mornings and JSA after school and on Fridays I hang out with my friends like for example last friday I went to the rodeo carnival and didn't get home till after midnight so I forgot to post . This means that I will probably abuse the Monday make up day.
Um, I also said that I think that Kat should go to a school that is like six years old and has the mascot of a knight and the colors should
Be bronze and black
I told Jessamyn that I have a black poker chip from marching band 2009 laying next to me on my bed because my dad threw it at mea couple days ago.
I had more but I don't remember so I'll start on an anecdote about today.
Once upon a time, earlier today during chemistry,
my friend Mick stole my phone out of my back pocket. He then went to the app store and added a gay "dating" app and continued to make me a profile. My username was steeleboy and he said I was well endowed, having an 9 inch long penis. Oh, he also used a picture of Darren Criss that I had on my phone as my profile picture. Needless to say, immediately after I got my phone back I deleted the app. The end.
Right now, I am reading a Tonks/Harry fanfiction which is a strange pairing. I also recently read pretty good on called Ginny's Burden(sp?) and one that was Daphne/Harry that is called something like Betrothal Contract, I think.
That is all.
Um, I also said that I think that Kat should go to a school that is like six years old and has the mascot of a knight and the colors should
Be bronze and black
I told Jessamyn that I have a black poker chip from marching band 2009 laying next to me on my bed because my dad threw it at mea couple days ago.
I had more but I don't remember so I'll start on an anecdote about today.
Once upon a time, earlier today during chemistry,
my friend Mick stole my phone out of my back pocket. He then went to the app store and added a gay "dating" app and continued to make me a profile. My username was steeleboy and he said I was well endowed, having an 9 inch long penis. Oh, he also used a picture of Darren Criss that I had on my phone as my profile picture. Needless to say, immediately after I got my phone back I deleted the app. The end.
Right now, I am reading a Tonks/Harry fanfiction which is a strange pairing. I also recently read pretty good on called Ginny's Burden(sp?) and one that was Daphne/Harry that is called something like Betrothal Contract, I think.
That is all.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sorry I had written a long post and my phone deleted it right when I was about to post so I guess I'll just rewrite it tomorrow cos I'm tired
Happy v-day
Happy v-day
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Okay, so I didn't get a video done.
Grover and Annabeth,
Okay, so this was the secret I mentioned a week ago(?) I think ish. Anyway, I'm a part of another colab channel. It's pretty amateurish. But its called whitegirlsofhawaii. I have no idea who is on it because Haley keeps making decisions on her own without asking us anything. So already there's someone I don't know on there.
Next week, I think the week-theme is going to be Twilight. Unless she changed that too. Not really sure if she has a say. I'm Monday. What I say goes basically.
I am getting re-obsessed with Percy Jackson because my friend Blair is rereading all of the books and it made me think of them again. And now I'm thinking of the bad-ass Nico Di-Angelo and his happy meal rising from the dead moments and his BAMF moments. They NEED to make more of those movies just for him. He is the Neville of that world.
In Drama Class, we're going to be performing a scene from AVPM. We'll be doing Act One Scene Two. I'm gonna be Ron. If only because I can do the dope slap properly. Ashley's jealous and says I need to convince the club to do it so she could join and do it.
And I started typing this up before midnight and midnight passed. Oops.
Okay, bye.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
I feel really bad
Because you guys are getting a lame post again. I'm sorry. I've been so exhausted lately.
Um, let's see. I got my dress for prom (I still have to turn the form in...) it's black and pretty and reminds me of like a red carpet dress.
I have loads of homework to do. Just a LOT. Grrrr.
Today pretty much marks the one year friendaversary for me and Jake. :) He celebrated by telling me something inappropriate. *facepalm*
I'm missing you guys again. Partly because you guys are awesome, and partly because Lauren wrote on my facebook wall and it made me think about all that stuff.
I'm gonna self-study for AP World. (haha, I'm gonna die).
I've still got a secret/surprise thing I'm keeping. No, I'm not Hannah Montana. Not anymore anyway. I'll tell you guys in an awesome Saturday video.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Poor Blaine
I'm watching Glee, Blaine just got rejected. That guy is crazy. I really don't like Finn, he is being a hypocrite.
Anywho, this weekend I went to the Rodeo, which doesn't sound so exciting but I got to see Lady Antebellum. This Friday I am probably going to go again and see Train with my friends.
OMG Blaine said, "I don't think I have ever made such a fool of my self and that's saying something, I have performed at theme parks"
I want to see I AM NUMBER FOUR.
I'm just random because of whats going on on tv.
My friend edited our school paper for fun. It was ridiculous how much bad grammar there was.
They have sang every popular Katy Perry song on this show.
I'm really sad that the shows over in two minutes.
SADFACE it's over
Ew Sam is singing Justin beiber next week.
Anywho, this weekend I went to the Rodeo, which doesn't sound so exciting but I got to see Lady Antebellum. This Friday I am probably going to go again and see Train with my friends.
OMG Blaine said, "I don't think I have ever made such a fool of my self and that's saying something, I have performed at theme parks"
I want to see I AM NUMBER FOUR.
I'm just random because of whats going on on tv.
My friend edited our school paper for fun. It was ridiculous how much bad grammar there was.
They have sang every popular Katy Perry song on this show.
I'm really sad that the shows over in two minutes.
SADFACE it's over
Ew Sam is singing Justin beiber next week.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Go Fighting Pickles!!!
My aunt got me The Insider's Guide to the Colleges and they have an editors choice and I learned some interesting things from it. North Carolina School of the Arts mascot is the Fighting Pickles, Xavier University's mascot is Blue Blob. And the University of California at Santa Cruz are the Banana Slugs. I also learned that Notre Dame and Vanderbilt are in the top 7 of schools with the most blondes. I thought that was exciting!!!
Well since I need to save stuff for tomorrow that is all.
PS: I don't want Finn and Quinn to get back together
Well since I need to save stuff for tomorrow that is all.
PS: I don't want Finn and Quinn to get back together
Sunday, February 6, 2011
The magical land of ponies
Hey girls!
So apparently today is this really big sporting event for Americans called the "Super-Bowl" where some cheese heads are fighting the bumblebees. I personally am not watching, but everybody says that there are some damn good commercials, so I'm probably gonna watch those online after the game. (oh, and court, since you're the only one of the three of us watching the game, GO BUMBLEBEES!)
I've been being a lazy bum all day today because yesterday was a whole day long field trip for jazz, and I realllllly didn't feel like doing squat today. The most I've done today was shave off a bit of hair I missed yesterday, and throw on some jeans and a tee-shirt.... And I guess technically I made pizza, but it's not really so hard to put a pizza into the oven and take it out, is it?
The smoke alarm is going off. Imma go investigate.
Mom's just burning dinner is all...
I have 12 minutes to kill before I can use megavideo again. I'm not entirely sure what to do with my time.
I'm thinking that instead of buying new chucks with the money I saved this month, I'm gonna get lego hp used, and hair dye. I'm excited to play lego hp again. Hank Green has been playing it on his video game channel, and I've just been getting so frustrated with him. I'm probably gonna have to make a new save file though, because I accidentally encountered a glitch in my old save file, and I can't get into the Gryffindor common room anymore, which is problematic for finishing the game. But now my dad and I can probably play co-op together again like we used to do with lego starwars.
I'm not taking my quiz yet because neither of you did. Court I kind of understand because her Monday post is technically her Thursday post, but since neither of you have done it yet, I'm not going to do it yet.
Eight minutes...
So it marked one of my lego's as spelled incorrect (now two) but it didn't mark the one that I attached to hp. Veeeery interesting.
Seven minutes!
Actually, now six.
Haha. Yeah I think I'm gonna go do some mindless refreshing of a few pages. So have a great week, and I'll be reading Court's post tomorrow.
PS: Kaaaaaaaat, what is the seeeeeecret?
PPS: I'm aware the title has no meaning. WHAT of it? -_-
So apparently today is this really big sporting event for Americans called the "Super-Bowl" where some cheese heads are fighting the bumblebees. I personally am not watching, but everybody says that there are some damn good commercials, so I'm probably gonna watch those online after the game. (oh, and court, since you're the only one of the three of us watching the game, GO BUMBLEBEES!)
I've been being a lazy bum all day today because yesterday was a whole day long field trip for jazz, and I realllllly didn't feel like doing squat today. The most I've done today was shave off a bit of hair I missed yesterday, and throw on some jeans and a tee-shirt.... And I guess technically I made pizza, but it's not really so hard to put a pizza into the oven and take it out, is it?
The smoke alarm is going off. Imma go investigate.
Mom's just burning dinner is all...
I have 12 minutes to kill before I can use megavideo again. I'm not entirely sure what to do with my time.
I'm thinking that instead of buying new chucks with the money I saved this month, I'm gonna get lego hp used, and hair dye. I'm excited to play lego hp again. Hank Green has been playing it on his video game channel, and I've just been getting so frustrated with him. I'm probably gonna have to make a new save file though, because I accidentally encountered a glitch in my old save file, and I can't get into the Gryffindor common room anymore, which is problematic for finishing the game. But now my dad and I can probably play co-op together again like we used to do with lego starwars.
I'm not taking my quiz yet because neither of you did. Court I kind of understand because her Monday post is technically her Thursday post, but since neither of you have done it yet, I'm not going to do it yet.
Eight minutes...
So it marked one of my lego's as spelled incorrect (now two) but it didn't mark the one that I attached to hp. Veeeery interesting.
Seven minutes!
Actually, now six.
Haha. Yeah I think I'm gonna go do some mindless refreshing of a few pages. So have a great week, and I'll be reading Court's post tomorrow.
PS: Kaaaaaaaat, what is the seeeeeecret?
PPS: I'm aware the title has no meaning. WHAT of it? -_-
Dearest Serena and Blair,
I recorded a video that I will work on tomorrow morning. I'm too tired tonight. Like wayyyy too tired. I had to do something that's a mini surprise that I'll mention tomorrow.
Sorry to postpone guys.
-Jenny Humphrey
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Im so so sorry
I realize that I have forgotten to post both times this week. I haven't gotten much sleep this week and Tuesday is my most busiest day of the week and my snow-day threw me off because I thought it was saturday.I'm making up my Tuesday post today cos I don't think that I should write two on Monday and then another one Tuesday.
Right now I'm at the San Antonio rodeo and about to fall asleep.!right now they are playing poker face and it's confusing me.
Yesterday we had a snow day and today it's in the 50s, Texas is weird!!!
I really need a hair cut!
I guess thats it for now...
Adios muchachas,
Right now I'm at the San Antonio rodeo and about to fall asleep.!right now they are playing poker face and it's confusing me.
Yesterday we had a snow day and today it's in the 50s, Texas is weird!!!
I really need a hair cut!
I guess thats it for now...
Adios muchachas,
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Snow day #2 1/2
Hello girls!
So I am currently on my second (technically second and a half because we got out early on Tuesday) day off of school. Snow at almost every point around my house goes up to my thighs, the dog literally falls into the snow and we're afraid she will get lost. Also, apparently my mother and I suck at using snowblowers, because my dad had many complaints about our driveway when he got back. (He was at work for two days straight, AND he has duty tomorrow night).
I have a little bit of homework to still do today (two math worksheets, one french worksheet, and some history reading that I was supposed to have done for class on tuesday), but that will probably only take two hours max. So the question is, what do I do with my free time? I've already played about 13 hours worth of the sims 3 Tuesday and Wednesday (in this span of time in the family I was working in, two family members died right before they hit their lifetime wishes, one began her journey into the career of athletics after training entirely through her teenhood and is now at level seven of the career as team captain, and I am planning on her adopting a child once she reaches her lifetime goal of level 9 in the athletic career, which I expect will be before she finishes the young adult phase of life. Yeah, I'm too invested in this).
Right, where was I before that huge parentheses? Ok, so I basically need something new to do that isn't homework. My plan at this point is very likely going to be sit on my butt all day and play more video games, but if y'all have any ideas that would be great.
And for your enjoyment, here is a survey that I am devising right off the top of my head:
Deserted Island
For some reason, you have landed on a magical deserted island. And by magical deserted island, I mean that it is, for some reason, already equipped with a tv with dvd player and cable hook up, a library, a five star restaurant, a cd player, and a computer hooked up to the internet. The problem is that all of these items that magically exist on the island have issues, mainly that the majority will only give you access to three of the things you choose, and thus begins the deserted island survey. Fill it out in your next post, and I will fill it out in my next post.
You go to turn on the tv, and a message pops up telling you that you may pick three dvds (that will be upgraded as the magical tv's technology increases) to watch for the rest of your life. What are they?
After this a new message pops up telling you that the cable box will only show three channels. What three channels do you watch for the rest of your life?
After this the tv informs you that you may choose one video game console to hook up to the tv, and choose three video games to play on that console for the rest of your life. What are they?
After this you decide to visit the library. It is huge and echos, but there are neither books nor people in this library. You do however find a note, it informs you that this library will only allow you to select from three books for the rest of your life. Faced with this enormous decision, what do you choose?
It is now lunch time and you are getting hungry. The airline food did little for you at breakfast, and your hunger gnaws at your soul in a quest for appeasement. You decide to visit the five star restaurant, wary of what choice it may cause you to make now. You arrive, and luckily are given far more options that you would have thought possible! Three meals for breakfast, three meals for lunch, and three meals for dinner as well as two desserts and one soft drink! With this vast array of choices what will be on the menu? (Dinners include a vegetable and one other side, all lunches come with one side, and breakfasts come with one fruit and one side. So for example, you could pick french toast with sausage and grapes as one breakfast. The sides stay with the meal).
No longer hungry, you return to the tv. You had not realized that next to the tv there was a radio and computer! You go to turn on the radio but notice there are no buttons. You guess that you probably can only pick three CD's to play for the rest of your life, and lo and behold, you open the cd drive and there is a blank disk informing you that you can only pick three CD's to play for the rest of your life. You write down the names of three cd's on the blank cd. What are they?
Finally you go to turn on the computer. You click on the internet eager to chat with your friends, when the home page gives you a message. It explains that you may pick only three websites to visit for the rest of your life, but you may not post anything on the websites, effectively keeping you from communicating your distress signal to the world, or talk to your friends. What three websites do you pick?
After making all of these decisions and realizing that this is it for the rest of your life, you cry a little, but then think about it a bit more. This deserted island might not be so bad. Certainly not home, but there is a great deal to do here, and perhaps one day you will be saved. So you make the best of it, and live a new life on the deserted island.
PS: my ear is blocked. So I can only hear out of my right ear. How FUN!
So I am currently on my second (technically second and a half because we got out early on Tuesday) day off of school. Snow at almost every point around my house goes up to my thighs, the dog literally falls into the snow and we're afraid she will get lost. Also, apparently my mother and I suck at using snowblowers, because my dad had many complaints about our driveway when he got back. (He was at work for two days straight, AND he has duty tomorrow night).
I have a little bit of homework to still do today (two math worksheets, one french worksheet, and some history reading that I was supposed to have done for class on tuesday), but that will probably only take two hours max. So the question is, what do I do with my free time? I've already played about 13 hours worth of the sims 3 Tuesday and Wednesday (in this span of time in the family I was working in, two family members died right before they hit their lifetime wishes, one began her journey into the career of athletics after training entirely through her teenhood and is now at level seven of the career as team captain, and I am planning on her adopting a child once she reaches her lifetime goal of level 9 in the athletic career, which I expect will be before she finishes the young adult phase of life. Yeah, I'm too invested in this).
Right, where was I before that huge parentheses? Ok, so I basically need something new to do that isn't homework. My plan at this point is very likely going to be sit on my butt all day and play more video games, but if y'all have any ideas that would be great.
And for your enjoyment, here is a survey that I am devising right off the top of my head:
Deserted Island
For some reason, you have landed on a magical deserted island. And by magical deserted island, I mean that it is, for some reason, already equipped with a tv with dvd player and cable hook up, a library, a five star restaurant, a cd player, and a computer hooked up to the internet. The problem is that all of these items that magically exist on the island have issues, mainly that the majority will only give you access to three of the things you choose, and thus begins the deserted island survey. Fill it out in your next post, and I will fill it out in my next post.
You go to turn on the tv, and a message pops up telling you that you may pick three dvds (that will be upgraded as the magical tv's technology increases) to watch for the rest of your life. What are they?
After this a new message pops up telling you that the cable box will only show three channels. What three channels do you watch for the rest of your life?
After this the tv informs you that you may choose one video game console to hook up to the tv, and choose three video games to play on that console for the rest of your life. What are they?
After this you decide to visit the library. It is huge and echos, but there are neither books nor people in this library. You do however find a note, it informs you that this library will only allow you to select from three books for the rest of your life. Faced with this enormous decision, what do you choose?
It is now lunch time and you are getting hungry. The airline food did little for you at breakfast, and your hunger gnaws at your soul in a quest for appeasement. You decide to visit the five star restaurant, wary of what choice it may cause you to make now. You arrive, and luckily are given far more options that you would have thought possible! Three meals for breakfast, three meals for lunch, and three meals for dinner as well as two desserts and one soft drink! With this vast array of choices what will be on the menu? (Dinners include a vegetable and one other side, all lunches come with one side, and breakfasts come with one fruit and one side. So for example, you could pick french toast with sausage and grapes as one breakfast. The sides stay with the meal).
No longer hungry, you return to the tv. You had not realized that next to the tv there was a radio and computer! You go to turn on the radio but notice there are no buttons. You guess that you probably can only pick three CD's to play for the rest of your life, and lo and behold, you open the cd drive and there is a blank disk informing you that you can only pick three CD's to play for the rest of your life. You write down the names of three cd's on the blank cd. What are they?
Finally you go to turn on the computer. You click on the internet eager to chat with your friends, when the home page gives you a message. It explains that you may pick only three websites to visit for the rest of your life, but you may not post anything on the websites, effectively keeping you from communicating your distress signal to the world, or talk to your friends. What three websites do you pick?
After making all of these decisions and realizing that this is it for the rest of your life, you cry a little, but then think about it a bit more. This deserted island might not be so bad. Certainly not home, but there is a great deal to do here, and perhaps one day you will be saved. So you make the best of it, and live a new life on the deserted island.
PS: my ear is blocked. So I can only hear out of my right ear. How FUN!
Harry and Ron,

So I don't really have time to do this, but it's Wednesday, so the show must go on!
Okay, so I'm super overloaded with school work, and drama club stuff, and rawwr.
This picture is a substitute for my post, which is rather lacking today. I will make Saturday much better than Wednesday.
-Hermione Granger
PS. Today me and Jake in ADV. class were asked what are favorite/most effective form of assessments we were administered were. ANSWER? OWLS and NEWTS! :)
Monday, January 31, 2011
Laaaate haha.
Hahahahahahaha. Leave it to me to be the one to screw things up xD
I got to play on a rotary valve tuba for the first time in almost a year, and all of the tuning slides worked... I get sad just thinking about how I CAN'T have it. It was all pretty, and only had one dent, and it helped soooo much on the slurs and...
I managed to get a third tuning valve unstuck from the tuba. Now I can completely tune my baseline, I just can't tune my first, third and fourth valve. PROGRESS.
Oh, and I accidentally greased my tuning slide on my trombone so much (because I'd spent quite a bit of my lunch using gobs of slide grease in an effort to make the school tuba work properly - it's a freaking FOUR year old instrument! *headdesk*), that when we were playing during jazz band it just kept gradually getting sharper.
I've been playing a lot of the sims 3. I'm only using one family, and I'm trying to get the child (now teen) of the family good enough at athletics that she can start high on the athletic career track and all I'll need to worry about is relationships. I've become quite a fan of the free riverview town you can get in the store so long as your copy is legal.
There's a huge storm that's going to get here tomorrow night. I'm excited. The weather reporters are predicting 20 inches of snow in Chicago, which would be the third largest storm the city has had EVER.
And there's a new chapter of OTWAD (26 if you are wondering, Court), so I must go read!
I got to play on a rotary valve tuba for the first time in almost a year, and all of the tuning slides worked... I get sad just thinking about how I CAN'T have it. It was all pretty, and only had one dent, and it helped soooo much on the slurs and...
I managed to get a third tuning valve unstuck from the tuba. Now I can completely tune my baseline, I just can't tune my first, third and fourth valve. PROGRESS.
Oh, and I accidentally greased my tuning slide on my trombone so much (because I'd spent quite a bit of my lunch using gobs of slide grease in an effort to make the school tuba work properly - it's a freaking FOUR year old instrument! *headdesk*), that when we were playing during jazz band it just kept gradually getting sharper.
I've been playing a lot of the sims 3. I'm only using one family, and I'm trying to get the child (now teen) of the family good enough at athletics that she can start high on the athletic career track and all I'll need to worry about is relationships. I've become quite a fan of the free riverview town you can get in the store so long as your copy is legal.
There's a huge storm that's going to get here tomorrow night. I'm excited. The weather reporters are predicting 20 inches of snow in Chicago, which would be the third largest storm the city has had EVER.
And there's a new chapter of OTWAD (26 if you are wondering, Court), so I must go read!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Um, so I'm skyping Jess right now. :) I'm not sure what I should talk about.
I got my roots slightly fixed. So they don't lookat as weird now.
I don't like school too much.
So, yeah, there's not much to say right now.
So, today, my friend Blair asked me for help finding Harry Potter fanfiction, cause she reads Twilight and wants to read HP. So I suggested four of my favorites that neither of you have ever read., :(
Somethings Are Regrettable, Its My Party, The Call, and Haunted. Which you should all read. :)
Courtney, I swear, I am working on Charlotte. I wrote some of it during Analytic Geometry, so you are not forgotten. And Jess, I'm still editing your video.
I got my roots slightly fixed. So they don't lookat as weird now.
I don't like school too much.
So, yeah, there's not much to say right now.
So, today, my friend Blair asked me for help finding Harry Potter fanfiction, cause she reads Twilight and wants to read HP. So I suggested four of my favorites that neither of you have ever read., :(
Somethings Are Regrettable, Its My Party, The Call, and Haunted. Which you should all read. :)
Courtney, I swear, I am working on Charlotte. I wrote some of it during Analytic Geometry, so you are not forgotten. And Jess, I'm still editing your video.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Heute ist meine tag
I was very tempted to write this entire thing in German and make you translate it but I decided to be nicer than that.
Today has been a pretty good day. I was so tired last night that I went to sleep earlier than usual, like 10 and the only homework I did was read chapter 7 of my human geography book because I had a test today. I didn't do my Spanish, but that was because I left my book in my class, I did not do my Pre-calc that I had or my English.
I ended up getting up around 6:40 instead of the usual 7:50 so that I could do my English homework, which was simply typing up my notes from the week and printing them off. Then I web to school and had band first period, took my geo test second period, which was easy because I read the chapter, imagine that!!. Third period was Stats, then I had pre-calc and the lesson for the day ended up taking up the whole class period so she didn't check the homework so when she checks for it on Monday I will still get a 100. Then I had lunch, which was normal ( meaning I laughed so hard that I was crying and my friends made fun of me for it ). My sixth period class is Spanish and I got my book back and found my Free 100% homework pass and somebody had used my book today and they had our work that we did in class and it was correct so I got a free 100% in my classwork as well. In English we just read an essay and looked for any words that we didn't know and wrote the definitions. In Chemistry I did my chem homework that was due today, talked and ballroom danced.
Currently, I am riding on the bus and when I get home I'm going to take a shower and pack for my weekend in Dallas.
That is all
This post is finished
Today has been a pretty good day. I was so tired last night that I went to sleep earlier than usual, like 10 and the only homework I did was read chapter 7 of my human geography book because I had a test today. I didn't do my Spanish, but that was because I left my book in my class, I did not do my Pre-calc that I had or my English.
I ended up getting up around 6:40 instead of the usual 7:50 so that I could do my English homework, which was simply typing up my notes from the week and printing them off. Then I web to school and had band first period, took my geo test second period, which was easy because I read the chapter, imagine that!!. Third period was Stats, then I had pre-calc and the lesson for the day ended up taking up the whole class period so she didn't check the homework so when she checks for it on Monday I will still get a 100. Then I had lunch, which was normal ( meaning I laughed so hard that I was crying and my friends made fun of me for it ). My sixth period class is Spanish and I got my book back and found my Free 100% homework pass and somebody had used my book today and they had our work that we did in class and it was correct so I got a free 100% in my classwork as well. In English we just read an essay and looked for any words that we didn't know and wrote the definitions. In Chemistry I did my chem homework that was due today, talked and ballroom danced.
Currently, I am riding on the bus and when I get home I'm going to take a shower and pack for my weekend in Dallas.
That is all
This post is finished
Thursday, January 27, 2011
YAY, we all posted =)
You both have no idea how exhausted and frustrated and just everything I am this week.
I know I complain a lot on here as well, but that's because I internalize these things, then finally you guys are unbiased subjects. But I'm not going to talk about why this is, because I am going to go to sleep. It is 8:48, and if I stay up any longer I might go crazy with exhaustion, which is sad.
And I'm gonna wake up early for homework... =/
Love you both, I promise I will be available for most of tomorrow after school, some of saturday, and if not all of sunday on skype.
Your committed-to-about-12,000-more-things-than-she-can-handle friend,
I know I complain a lot on here as well, but that's because I internalize these things, then finally you guys are unbiased subjects. But I'm not going to talk about why this is, because I am going to go to sleep. It is 8:48, and if I stay up any longer I might go crazy with exhaustion, which is sad.
And I'm gonna wake up early for homework... =/
Love you both, I promise I will be available for most of tomorrow after school, some of saturday, and if not all of sunday on skype.
Your committed-to-about-12,000-more-things-than-she-can-handle friend,
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
It has been a while since I have posted. My computer, as Kat knows, has gotten a virus and won't let me use the Internet, well mostly anything google related. Because of this I had taken her suggestion and got a blog app. This should help me post on the road on Friday.
Currently, I am supposed to be doing my pre-calc, but instead blogging while listening to the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack over and over again all the way turned up so you can hear it anywhere in my house.
Nothing special has really happened to me recently. Other than I had my first Skype chat with Kat yesterday. Jessie, what is the point on getting me the camera if you are never going to be on. I think we should start like a time when we should be all on at least once a week.
There is a girl named Rachel in my band and she is in JSA, Junior Statesmen of America, with me and she had moved here from Hawaii freshmen year. She went to Aliamanu Elementary School and Moanalua Middle and in 8th grade she was in honor band with me. She is a percussionist. It's weird How stuff like that happens
Yeah I thinks that's all I got to say cos it's almost 10 and I gots some homework to do. And a shower to take.
Luv ya guys,
The Phantom of the Opera worshipper,
Cher Spinks
Currently, I am supposed to be doing my pre-calc, but instead blogging while listening to the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack over and over again all the way turned up so you can hear it anywhere in my house.
Nothing special has really happened to me recently. Other than I had my first Skype chat with Kat yesterday. Jessie, what is the point on getting me the camera if you are never going to be on. I think we should start like a time when we should be all on at least once a week.
There is a girl named Rachel in my band and she is in JSA, Junior Statesmen of America, with me and she had moved here from Hawaii freshmen year. She went to Aliamanu Elementary School and Moanalua Middle and in 8th grade she was in honor band with me. She is a percussionist. It's weird How stuff like that happens
Yeah I thinks that's all I got to say cos it's almost 10 and I gots some homework to do. And a shower to take.
Luv ya guys,
The Phantom of the Opera worshipper,
Cher Spinks
Monday, January 24, 2011
Okay, so all three of us already know this, but we're changing dates starting now.
Monday - make up day, to be used rarely if you forgot to post (don't abuse!!!)
Tuesday - Cher
Wednesday - Kat
Thursday - Jessyman
Friday - Cher
Saturday - Kat
Sunday - Jessyman
Monday - make up day, to be used rarely if you forgot to post (don't abuse!!!)
Tuesday - Cher
Wednesday - Kat
Thursday - Jessyman
Friday - Cher
Saturday - Kat
Sunday - Jessyman
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5
Monday, January 17, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Hey there Luke and Kristina
So Kat, more gossip for you, but less drama-y. I am asking a guy to turn-about. And I asked Hill how to not screw it up (yes really). Right now I think we are looking at an 83% success rate.
You know you're analytical when... your possible relationships are given a percent success rate.
You know you're analytical when... you make lists about how you are analytical.
Righto then.
So my idea was that we go back to doing weekdays. The main reason we stopped that was because Courtney had homework issues. I figure that if you get Friday or Saturday in that line up it will be easier, plus it's not like you have to go three days every other week on every other day. Now we have Kat for balance. However, I would like to immediately call Thursday and Monday. I suppose there will be a battle to the death between me and Kat. This is acceptable. I will win.
Although I suppose when Kat dies that ruins the balance thing I was just talking about.
In addition to that I thought that getting one free day a month would be good, and then maybe each person get's two challenges at the begining of the month (one for each person) that they have to do by the end of the month on camera (or webcam or whatever. I just want footage). Nothing like a punishment is supposed to be. More things like hug a stranger, or play a giant game of hide and seek or something. Just something so that we don't procrastinate on this as if we don't like being able to talk to each other.
I think it's safe to say that this year it's been really sad to be without you guys. But knowing that despite how far away we are, I can call you guys or see your post on the blog. It makes it awesome.
I'm watching the office now. I've made it about halfway through season 2.
What do you mean life? What is this life you speak of?
Cleaned the house today...
My year thus far has been generally unexciting.
I still need to figure out what to do with the silly string. I'd feel like I was vandalizing if I used it anywhere but my yard, but then I'd have to clean it up. Greatest/Worst gift ever Courtney.
Winter guard is going good. We're doing our first performance on Friday, you have NO idea how nervous I am. I'm going to drop the flag I just know it. Or do something else stupid. There's this part where we do a toss and go right into a roll around our wrist and I always get screwed up there, but then I get back into it quick at least. But since there's only two rehearsals, and unlike Hawaii I can't really practice at home, it would be easy to say I'm nervous.
Ms Routolo says it's the hardest routine she's ever made and that we're doing really well with it.
I think I'm going to go to bed now. Or maybe just watch TV. I don't really know.
PS: If I can get footage on Friday I DEFINITELY will. Pinkie swear.
So Kat, more gossip for you, but less drama-y. I am asking a guy to turn-about. And I asked Hill how to not screw it up (yes really). Right now I think we are looking at an 83% success rate.
You know you're analytical when... your possible relationships are given a percent success rate.
You know you're analytical when... you make lists about how you are analytical.
Righto then.
So my idea was that we go back to doing weekdays. The main reason we stopped that was because Courtney had homework issues. I figure that if you get Friday or Saturday in that line up it will be easier, plus it's not like you have to go three days every other week on every other day. Now we have Kat for balance. However, I would like to immediately call Thursday and Monday. I suppose there will be a battle to the death between me and Kat. This is acceptable. I will win.
Although I suppose when Kat dies that ruins the balance thing I was just talking about.
In addition to that I thought that getting one free day a month would be good, and then maybe each person get's two challenges at the begining of the month (one for each person) that they have to do by the end of the month on camera (or webcam or whatever. I just want footage). Nothing like a punishment is supposed to be. More things like hug a stranger, or play a giant game of hide and seek or something. Just something so that we don't procrastinate on this as if we don't like being able to talk to each other.
I think it's safe to say that this year it's been really sad to be without you guys. But knowing that despite how far away we are, I can call you guys or see your post on the blog. It makes it awesome.
I'm watching the office now. I've made it about halfway through season 2.
What do you mean life? What is this life you speak of?
Cleaned the house today...
My year thus far has been generally unexciting.
I still need to figure out what to do with the silly string. I'd feel like I was vandalizing if I used it anywhere but my yard, but then I'd have to clean it up. Greatest/Worst gift ever Courtney.
Winter guard is going good. We're doing our first performance on Friday, you have NO idea how nervous I am. I'm going to drop the flag I just know it. Or do something else stupid. There's this part where we do a toss and go right into a roll around our wrist and I always get screwed up there, but then I get back into it quick at least. But since there's only two rehearsals, and unlike Hawaii I can't really practice at home, it would be easy to say I'm nervous.
Ms Routolo says it's the hardest routine she's ever made and that we're doing really well with it.
I think I'm going to go to bed now. Or maybe just watch TV. I don't really know.
PS: If I can get footage on Friday I DEFINITELY will. Pinkie swear.
So... the first post of 2011
Comes in two weeks late. O.o We all suck at posting.
Mary-Kate and Ashley,
Okay, I'm sick. That's really all I can think of to say right now. I'm trying to think of other things to say. Um, gossip wise, you two probably already know, but Ashley broke up with Jake and is now going out with this guy in our World History class named Morgan. And Jake is dating this retarded freshman. By the way, I'm tired of high school drama. Just in general, there's too much in my life to name.
Let's see, we had Drama Club secretary elections (we fired out secretary!) and since I came in second in the last election and was secretary last year, I thought I would have a chance at winning. I lost 2-5. The only person who voted for me besides myself is this weird guy who I have no idea who he is. Even my friends didn't vote for me. So YAY!
And I have a Sims 3 addiction. And my dad kicked me out. And I had two cavities removed today.
And I really miss you girls. I'm just gonna come out and say it, this year has majorly sucked without guys. I'm constantly lonely and there are a lot of times when I just don't have people to be around. I'm sorry for making this depressing post, but school just really isn't the same without you two (and Lauren and Matt and ... wait, I think that's it). So you two should move back here. I've decided.
So Jess, what is this change we have to do on the blog. To quote you, you said: "I just remembered that we need to make negotiations for changes to this for the new year."
So we need to figure out what's changing or whatnot.
By the way, Courtney, I saw a school called Steele Elementary (in Tucson). I thought of you when I saw it. :P
On a random note, Hannah Montana is freaking ending. O.o I don't remember if you guys like or hated the show, but its freaking ending. Just thought I'd say that for randomness.
Okay, I don't really know what else to write about, so I'm just gonna go.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
last post of 2010!!!!
Woooo! It won't have any real content :( jess, I'm partly stealing your day. I'll be posting my real post soonish after midnight. Because I am going to record the stuff I do at midnight. But, so I am not punished, here is the friday post!
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