Elphaba and
Nothing has really happened this week hear also, we
didn't even elect a new governor, Texas has the same one that it has had since George W. Bush became president. Last night i
couldn't fall asleep and i had a scene from the Sirius/
OC story i told you both about going through my head so i decided to write it down, so in my blog today i will share with you that scene.Remember that i wrote this at like 2 o'clock in the morning so don't expect it to be good.
NUMBER 12 Grimmauld PlaceI arrived early to the address
Dumbledore had given me. Once I saw the residence appear, I walked up to the grand oak door and knocked.Shortly after, a short plump lady, with fiery red hair opened the door.
Must be a Weasley. " Good evening, my name is Rosa-" I started to introduce myself.
"Oh deary,
Dumbledore informed me that you would be coming, You are a little early for the meeting, but you are welcome to join us for supper," she said.
As I attempted to decline, not wanting to intrude , my traitorous stomach growled. " Don't be ridiculous.There's plenty of food, and it will give you some time to meet the other Order members, plus you are far too skinny and your stomach seems to want the food." she insisted.
"Well, I guess i can not refuse," I replied as i followed her into the threshold and toward the dining room. As we got half way down the entryway i heard a women yelling something about blood traitors and
mudblood filth in her house. I jerked my head to the noise, worrying about what was going on.Noticing my behavior, Mrs
Weasley explained, " It's a portrait of the former Mistress of the house, don't worry she is harmless and
you'll be used to her ranting soon enough."
Her explanation calmed me and i continued to follow her. " So, who owns the house now, I would assume it to be the former mistress's son, but i can not imagine somebody with her as a mother willing to allow the Order of the
Phoenix to use their house as headquarters."
" Well, Miss
Lestrange, I believe that people are likely to say the same thing about you, " Mrs.
Weasley replied.
Touché, so the son really does own it.:
"Yes, you'll meet him at supper, I am sure you will have a lot in common." she affirmed. I shook my head as we rounded the corner and arrived at the dining room.The scene in front of me surprised me greatly.While i had expected a small group of people talking calmly, or maybe even not speaking at all, like i was grown accustomed to at my house, instead it seemed more like the Great Hall full of students at meal times. Mrs.
Weasley showed me to a seat and wen to go make a plate of food for me.As I sat and observed the people around me I felt a pair of eyes on me. I searched through the people until my eyes met the most stunning eyes i had ever seen.They looked like storm clouds with hints of the blue sky behind them.I could see my self getting lost in them.
what can i say, I'm an eye girl. After staring in to the pair of eyes for what seemed to be hours, but in reality was just a few seconds, i checked out the rest of him. He had shaggy black hair, the face of a god, and dressed in expensive, though outdated robes.But Oh Merlin, was he attractive.No, not attractive, the man was Sex on Legs.Since i had just spent the last five
minutes drooling over
him I decided to go introduce myself to him.
"H-hello," I stammered.
Damn, i sound like a virgin twit, calm down its just a guy, well man, an extremely gorgeous man, Oh No he is just staring at me, Say Something else." My name is Rosa,"
well that was original."Hi, my name is Sirius, welcome to my humble abode, or as i like to call it, a little piece of hell on earth"
I giggled stupidly and replied, " Oh, so your the son of the crazy women, wait, Sirius, as in Sirius Black."
"yes, that would be me," he said timidly.
"Man, you should sue, your wanted poster doesn't do you any justice," i joked. He started at me for a second and began to laugh as i soon followed. Hearing the laughter, the person sitting next him, who i had not noticed, turn to see what the commotion was about.
" Miss
Lestrange, what a surprise to see you here," my former Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Remus Lupin exclaimed.
To be continued...
That is what i got to.
Any who