Monday, May 31, 2010

Packing out

Hey courtney!

Our end of pack it is nearly complete. My parents are taking our luggage to the lodge right now. My dad just has to finish disconnecting our computer, and doing the laundry. I just have to clean under my bed, pick up dog mess, and have my mom take me to goodwill to give away some of my old clothes. I don't think my mother really has anything left to do. I'll probably get her to help my out.

Tomorrow and the day after the movers will be here, and we'll pick up the rest of the house. Then I'm free until I leave to do hang out stuff. What really sucks though is that Ashley is going on the camping trip for CYO this Friday in the late afternoon, and by the time they'll be back, I'll be on a plane. I'm gonna use my last few days to go to the fair, hang out with Kat, figure out hanging out with April, and of course hang out with Ashley. I really can't believe that I'm actually leaving.

I'm not going to have internet until the end of next week, so writing these up is gonna be *real* fun. Although I've been getting video clips together that I want to post on here, and idk how I'll be able to do that until I get internet somewhere. Joy.

Oh, and finally, today I bought this really neato DS charger because I refuse to be without video games for a month, and I can't find my DS charger. I has a sort of USB cord, with a connector spot at the end for the connector to your DS (cuz there are two different connectors cuz the older DS's had a different port). So you can use the USB to connect to your computer, or there is an outlet converter for usb, which is really cool, because I can use it for other things too =)

I must now go clean under my bed. Look for pics on facebook!

PS: What the hell is a Hufflepuff?
PPS: Just wait till the end of July! Then we'll have AVPS!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

It's Friday!!!

Yo Yo Jess Jess

lalalala... i dont know what to write so i guess i will just sing to you... lalalalalalalalalalalalalalala... I dont appreciate you making fun of my singing so i guess that i will just stop *burn*

So as the title states today is Friday. I had my first and only final today *yay i am basically done with the school year* ( i know you are already done but i am not going to let it get to me). anywho back to what i was saying, it was my spanish final and today i have decided that i hate stupid people. I am in the regular Spanish 2 class cos i am not good at speaking spanish so there was no way i was going to put myself in the Pre-AP Spanish 2 class. For the last two weeks we had been doing a review in class and my teacher gave us all the answers when we were done with it. Last night at about 11 o'clock( around the time that you and Kat texted me, which i will get back to later) i studied the review for about five, maybe ten minutes. When i sat down to take the test and my teacher handed them out i noticed that they were the exact same thing as the review, word for word, actually even easier than the review as the test was multiple choice. I finished the exam, that had two sections of 20 questions each in it that i did not learn until i did the review, in about 20 mins. Since i thought that i would have a hard time on the test due to my lack of studying i had not thought to bring a book or anything to do when i was done on my test. We could not talk or get up and walk around until everyone was done with their exams. This gets me to the reason why i hate stupid people. One person took 1hr and 40 mins to complete the exam. The entire exam was 100 mutiple-choice questions that we had gotten before the exam. How stupid do you have to be to take 1hr and 40min on it. GAAH. I just moved from freakin Hawaii and had a sucky teacher for Spanish 1 and half of Spanish 2. I was so pissed and so bored. Me and my friend Kim were like glaring daggers at the girl the whole time and i think my teacher was getting annoyed as well. Grrrrrrrrr stupid people!!!!

The rest of my day was kind of fun, we didnt do anything in any other class but talk and mess around and most teachers let us have our phones and ipods out. Its funny how teachers say that you can take your iPods out, does that mean people with mp3 players cant listen to music?

I dont appreciate what you said about my Wii character going to jail! Though when i told my friend Chris he thought it was funny. Did you guys intentionally make one of me or was there one on there that looked like me and you started calling it my Character?

I dont really have much else to say so, Ciao Bella

lalalalalalalala Elmo's World,

Cher Spinks
Courtney Steele

Post Script: Hufflepuffs make particularly good finders.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

I wrote this yesterday xD

Hey Court.

Thanks so much for that. I needed it, you made me smile for a while, and caused me to write a response to most of the numbers xD Check the comments for the post. I love your guts to pieces girl!

So right now, I am not actually writing this online, but on word. This is because right now it is Wednesday in Hawaii and not Thursday, and tomorrow I’m staying at Kat’s for the night, so I gotta post before I leave.

School is out, and it’s totally awesome. Ashley and April both completely mouthed off Jacob after I told them what happened, and it made me feel a lot better. Although Lauren was just like “pfft, you always date jerks, it’s not news” or something cynical like that. I talked to my friend Katie from second grade on facebook earlier. We’re going to steal Hermione’s time turner from McGonagal by using a stun gun equipped with pepper spray. Wanna join in the fun?

Right now, I am listening to this song by Mike Lumbardo over and over and over again. It’s so good. Link: I also really badly want the CD Erase This, which is mainly by Alan Lastufka with vocals from Luke Connard. Also, if you have no clue who all those people are, it’s just a bunch of people from youtube, but I absolutely love erase this. It’s basically the story of what happened to this boy and girl’s relationship. Go on youtube, and look up erase this. The three or four songs that should pop up will be Winter's song, erase this, boxcar dream, and mirror song.

So you’re coming in July? I might be going in July, but I’m not sure, because that’s when the band trip is for my school, but then I’m not even there yet… *sigh*

Ok, well I’m gonna go, I have to keep refreshing the song!

PS: I’m not even going to tell you Harry, you’ll find out soon enough.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Happy Things!!!!

Hola Bob the Nerdfighting Pumpkin,

Since your post yesterday was so depressing I have decided to write one about happy things. At first i was going to just type the song from the Sound of Music but i changed my mind and decided to write about some of our happy things. I hope this cheers you up if Ashley and the rest of them have not. So here it goes...

1)Band!- the first on the list of all band geeks
2)Music- the second on the list of all band geeks
3)A good book- what part of geek did you not get
4)A good fanfiction- again we are geeks
5)Sleep- we ARE American teenagers in the 21st century
6)HARRY POTTER- of course
7)Tom Felton- this may be more me than you but he is yummy
8)the feeling you have after you ran at least a mile- well maybe not right after but after you caught your breath
9)Friends you know are going to cheer you up- I hope i was one of the people you thought about when you read this!
10)Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough- *licks lips and stomach growls*
11)AP Cookies- lol
12)Marching Band Competitions- when you dont have annoying freshman marching
13)Making fun of Ashley- You know its true don't try to deny
14)Understanding a joke right a way- i dont know if this is just me but i always feel extremely proud of myself when i do
15)Getting mail ten years in the future
16)Failing at video games- that one is just me i dont think i would ever figure out that game
17)Little puppies that are unofficially named Draco- he was sooo cute
18)Gerard Butler- again i think that this one is just me, i doubt that you have seen a movie with him in it
19)Failing at Bowling- *gutter ball*
20)Getting a 100% on an assignment that you half-assed
21)Getting that 100% and having your friends that ditched you get a lower grade when they worked hard on it-* cough Lauren cough Kat*
22)Water Fights at school
23)Talking in punctuation for the whole day-" The dark mistress of all historical knowledge even talked that way once *exclamation point* it must be contagious *period*"
24)Frosted Flakes and Polish Hotdogs- though this one might go with number 13
25) A Very Potter Musical- its going to be totally awesome
26)Not liking Brownies- I am VERY HAPPY because of this
27)Getting a 96% on something in Ms. Vann's class- this one is just me but she is my APUSH teacher here and the class is the hardest one in the school and i have a 68% this quarter, though it might not be low since i got the 96% cos it was on a project
28)Starbucks- I cant believe that i almost forgot that one
29)Converse Chuck's- again i know this one is all me but give me a break i am the one writing this blog
30) last but not least Friendships that will last a lifetime- or at least until we get senile and forget eachother

Again i hope this cheers you up and if it doesnt hopefully the next thing i write will...

I am definitely going to Illinois this July cos my marching band doesnt start till August so hopefully we will see eachother now


Courtney Steele

P.S. What's a Horcrux?

Far from Jessamyn's First (Sexual Connotation ;] )

I ALMOST FORGOT TO DO THIS!!!!! AH!!! (I was about to close my laptop, but then I was like, hey I'll check my blog feed, and I saw Hawaiian Outcasts, and freaked).

So today was almost completely awesome, but I think it's definitely going to be the end of my streak of a week and a half of a nice time. Which sucks. So I'm going to tell you about my day!

I woke up, had a whatever morning. I was extremely relieved to be done with school to the point of not having to bring my back pack to school anymore (yesterday it cut off the circulation in my arm because it was so heavy). I got to school, and spent the morning with Jake... which was very much a whatever situation. I spent most of first period playing cards. And then I checked into English (I have a B this quarter! And semester! AND YEAR!!!!), and went back to the band room for more cards. Eventually Kat showed up, and she played cards too. Then recess was a whirlwind of finding teachers. Third period in the band room was really loud, I blame the Freshmen. It was in third period that the idea was come up with to have April's mom bring us food (she did, brought us dollar menu sandwiches and two large fries!). We continued playing cards. Fourth period we got food. Lunch we got kicked out, and were in Ms Mccoys. Then during fifth we were watching House.

Now is where things start to get sorta bad. Or really bad. So I went to chem, and we got our tests back. I got a 69.9% and Mrs Ng refused to raise it to a C, and my friend Katelyn who had perfect straight A's, got a B, and she was extremely sad and started crying =( Afterward, I went over where I normally meet Jake, and I broke up with him. I'm not really gonna get into why here...

After that, things were better. We (Kat, Ash, and me) went all around the place to get food (subway (for kat), jack in the box shakes, strawberrys (they were buy one carton get one free!), and starbucks. Then we decided we were lazy and took the bus to Kat's since her house is really close to it. Then we proceeded to play mario kart for a long time, and go through Kat's stuff. Then we went to the band room (guard is learning and Kat is doing that). This was all relatively good, and enough to make me forget about everything.

Then I got home, watched fringe forever, and went on facebook. There I saw that Jake had changed his status to in a relationship (which he didn't do for me). And the bad stuff just sorta crashed back on me. I have a D in chem, and I dated someone who I now realize was completely preoccupied in someone else.

I suppose I can't be too judgmental, as I was preoccupied as well, but I wasn't stupid enough to act. Basically I'm just pissed off. Oh, and I just opened another tab to check webgrade because I remembered something, and you wanna know why I'm pissed off?? I wrote seven pages, totaling to 15,003 characters and 3,456 words, in one night, and I only got a 95% augh.

Yeah... I was going to be really cheery and stuff, but now... I'm feeling crappy.

But hey, I don't think you really elaborated well enough on your history project. I mean, you only mentioned it in passing, but it seemed like a big deal =P And then, are you doing only stats next year, or are you in trig at the same time? And HAHAHA you have forced family work out!!!! xD

Sorry, needed a laugh xD

Love you!

PS: No, because if he were to touch himself... *LOOK*

Monday, May 24, 2010

Courtney's First ( no sexual connotation)


Texas is okay i guess but you should probably ask it to verify. Anywho...

Last week/weekend was so busy, so now i will list what happened;

~On Monday I started writing my AP History Research Paper- Horrible assignment i am rethinking going to college and moving to Nevada because of it
~On Tuesday I kept writing my AP History Research Paper- curse you!!!
~Guess What I did on Wednesday? I kept writing my research paper- Haha i cant believe you didn't guess that
~On Thursday my sister, Stephanie, arrived her in the proud state of Texas, and i finished my AP Research Paper
~On Friday Turned Research Paper for my teacher to correct
~On Saturday I unpacked some of the boxes in my room, and corrected my Research Paper
~On Sunday I went to church at 8:30 in the morning, which is earlier than my school starts, Why must my parents torture me so?, Went out to a Mexican Restaurant for breakfast, dad's idea of course, Why you might ask? because it is cheap., then went home and played on the Wii, after that we went to THE ALAMO, then the river walk, then the mall, then to my parentals friends house for supper... and you know what i was doing in between all of this and then until around midnight... I was correcting my annotated bibliography, outline, and doing my whole PowerPoint Presentation for...wait for it....a little more...not yet keep waiting... MY AP HISTORY RESEARCH PAPER AND PRESENTATION

Oh on a happier more pleasant note I don't have to take my History or biology final, and probably not my math one either

On a not so happy note but not to bad either I received my AP STATS summer homework, which i actually don't mind doing cos it is so much better then the APUSH summer homework form last year.

I just got back from FFWO, forced family workout, which wasn't so bad because my parents took pity on me with my lack of sleep and i just walked the whole time, but since 90 degrees has been the average temperature lately i still feel slightly sick. Well this is all i got to say so it time to say goodbye, farewell, auf weidersehen, good bye

Courtney Steele
P.S. Can a person be a portkey?

Friday, May 21, 2010



Haha. I almost completely forgot that I was supposed to start this today, because I fell asleep watching this really old movie called tron with my dad. Apparently it was supposed to be the greatest graphics of its time, and they were pretty cool graphics, but it was the most boring plot in the world, so I feel asleep. And once I woke up, I had to do the dishes. And then I was thinking about how Sarah (senior, but not really anymore) and I are going to Ruby Tuesdays for desert, and so by the time I remembered to make this... well it was about 2 hours later than I'd planned on posting.

So I was reading through Yahoo’s news a few days ago, and one of them is called ‘looser’ weight transformations it’s basically just talking about what happened to some of the people after they were on biggest looser. But the subtext to the headline was this: “Some contestants on "The Biggest Loser" drop more than 100 pounds and even find love.” It’s the last part of that that makes me think “What, do fat people no fall in love or something?” Which, I think is false, because otherwise the united states would be facing a depopulation crisis. I mean, just think of all the fat in America. If we could somehow get all the fat people’s fat to give to African children, there probably wouldn’t be world hunger anymore…

Right, now, since idk whatelse to do, it's rapid fire question time: How's texas? Have you seen House yet? What do you mean you haven't? It was sooooo good. Did you know Kat had to be taught all of this semester's algebra 2 by me yesterday, and then, she proceeded to get minus 1, when I got minus 2? DID YOU?????

Righto, this has been really random and disjointed. I guess I'll text you this weekend or see your post on Monday.



Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My idea

Ok, so you are here, sweetness, I will tell you my idea.

It's simplistic enough. Every person gets an assigned day of the week that they have to post something, and we all keep in touch. It's basically just like writing a letter to everyone every week, and we just say what's going on, or talk story or whatever... Oh, and video punishments to be decided by the other four if you fail to post, ie: post a video showing you do your punishment. Although, maybe not, that last one is just an idea, because I watch a lot of 5awesomegirls, and the vlogbrothers on youtube, and punishment videos are always fun.

Righto, so you guys in? Because it really won't be worth it if we all can't do it.

Just comment by clicking the little comment button at the bottom, and we can figure out who gets what day, if we should do punishments, if we should be involving something else, ect.


PS: Oh, and of course, if everyone can do it, then I will add you to the list of people who can post on here, and explain in person or irl about how to work it.